Somewhere between an awkward improv skit and a bad telemarketing scam, Palace x Reebok launched their full ad for the new collaboration a few days ago, featuring comedian Jonah Hill. The commercial is ironic through and through, but it might just be Palace’s secret marketing weapon this upcoming season. Jonah Hill carries us through the ad in an awkward and out-of-place manner, with a classic deadpan tone. He even manages to mispronounce Reebok the entire way through – hello, “Ree-boke.” But there’s something about the ad that’s captivating and hilarious, and it just works. Palace’s founder, Lev Tanju, told Dazed & Confused that he “just wanted to make something really stupid.” And so they did. Skater vibes.
Jonah Hill’s practically painful delivery, explaining why we should buy Palace x Reebok trainers, almost makes us want to buy them more. Anyway, tomorrow will be the telling moment on whether the ad campaign worked in Palace’s favour or not.
Palace x Reebok launches tomorrow exclusively at the Palace London shop and on Palace’s e-shop, starting 11am BST. Get in on the madness.

Source: DAZED
#fashion #palace #reebok