The London trio recently graced us with tracks they've been listening to while in the studio, and now they are set to release their third album in January. It has been four years since their second album Coexist, but with new single On Hold, its no surprise we are all in for a treat. The band continues to call attention to Jamie xx's production craft as "On Hold" prominently samples Hall and Oates' 1981 hit I Can't Go for That (No Can Do), warping Darryl Hall's voice with silky vocals of Romy Madley Croft and Oliver Sim.
The xx I See You Track List
1. "Dangerous" 2. "Say Something Loving" 3. "Lips" 4. "A Violent Noise" 5. "Performance" 6. "Replica" 7. "Brave For You" 8. "On Hold" 9. "I Dare You" 10. "Test Me"
Source: Rolling Stone